Urine Luck


The (Not So) Secret World of Leaking Urine: Why It's Common but Not Normal

urinary incontinence women's health & wellness Aug 23, 2023
The (Not So) Secret World of Leaking Urine: Why It's Common but Not Normal

Ah, the joys of being a woman! We can do it all: multitask like bosses, embrace our inner Wonder Woman, and even create life. But there's one thing we rarely discuss—our tendency to leak urine. Yep, you heard that right. While it may be common, it's certainly not what we'd call normal. So, let's dive into the world of why women leak urine and why it's time to take control of our bladders!


1. Blame It on the Baby

Remember that adorable little bundle of joy you brought into the world? Well, as cute as they are, they can wreak havoc on our pelvic floor muscles. During pregnancy, the weight of the growing baby puts extra pressure on the bladder which then puts more pressure on a possible weak pelvic floor, leading to those sudden leaks. So, ladies, don't be surprised if you find yourself dancing the pee-pee dance while in line for the grocery store restroom!


2. The Epic Laugh-A-Lot Saga

Life is better with laughter, right? But sometimes, a good belly laugh can result in a mini flood down under. It turns out that the strain from laughing puts too much added pressure on our already delicate pelvic floor muscles, causing a sneaky release of urine. To avoid this, start diaphragmatic breathing and while exhaling squeeze and lift those pelvic floor muscles. So, next time you're watching a comedy show or sharing funny stories with friends, you know your pelvic floor is strong and ready to rock and roll.


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3. The Not-So-Awesome Aging Process

Ah, the aging process—it has its perks, like wisdom and a fine collection of laugh lines, but it also comes with a few surprises. As we age, our bodies undergo various changes, including a decrease in estrogen levels. This hormonal shift can weaken our pelvic floor muscles, making leakage a more regular occurrence. But fear not, ladies! You are aging which means you are not dead! Get to work on strengthening your pelvic floor while fine tuning those bathroom habits. No excuses. Live life to the fullest by optimizing the function of your pelvic floor.


4. The Curse of Sneezing and Coughing

Picture this: You're engrossed in a thrilling TV series, and just as the plot reaches its climax, a sudden sneeze takes over. And guess what? Along with that sneeze, a little trickle escapes or maybe even more if you are anything like me when I leaked urine—full bladder emptying every time. It's the curse of sneezing and coughing! It’s really not a curse but rather poor pressure control. Easy peasy to learn. Again any increased pressure is going to push against your bladder and pelvic floor. Try squeezing the pelvic floor before the sneeze. This takes practice but I know you can learn it.


5. Exercise Oopsies

We all know exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But sometimes, our body's response to a particularly intense workout can be a bit surprising. High-impact activities like running or jumping put extra pressure on our bladder and pelvic floor muscles, that can result in unexpected leaks. Again, pressure system control. Learn how to use that diaphragm to improve coordination. Make sure you exhale on the hardest part of the exercise. This contracts your pelvic floor! No leaks during exercises. We are going to be dry! Say with me, we can do this!


Leaking urine may be common among women, but it's essential to remember that it's anything but normal. While we can laugh about the situations that lead to those oopsie moments, it's crucial to take control of our pelvic floor health. From pelvic floor exercises to honing in on appropriate bladder habits, there are ways to regain control and minimize leakage. So, ladies, let's embrace our ability to create life, laugh heartily, and conquer the world while keeping our bladders in check.


After all, we're superwomen, and we deserve a dry and confident journey through life!


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