Urine Luck


Walking and Waterworks: Why Women Sometimes Leak While Strutting Their Stuff!

pelvic floor strength urinary incontinence Aug 24, 2023
Walking and Waterworks: Why Women Sometimes Leak While Strutting Their Stuff!

Ladies, let's face it—life is a constant balancing act, and not just when it comes to our careers and personal lives. It seems that even the simple act of walking can sometimes lead to unexpected leaks. Now, while it's not exactly the glamorous side of womanhood, it's a reality many of us face.  The coolest thing about women is our strength and capability of making massive changes to ourselves and even the world.


Bladder vs. Bouncing

Walking might seem like the most basic of movements, but when it comes to our delicate bladder, it can trigger a hilarious dance of chaos. Picture this: each step you take causes a gentle bounce, and that innocent bouncing motion can put pressure on your bladder. It's like a bouncy castle party happening in your abdomen, and sometimes, a little extra party favor might leak out. Try controlling your breath during your walk. Make note of when the leaks start. Listen to your body and strengthen those pelvic floor muscles outside of your walking exercise. Avoid bladder irritants before that walk just to keep bladder more on the good behavior side.


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The Rhythm of the Hips

Ah, the sway of a woman's hips—an elegant movement that exudes confidence and femininity. But did you know that your hips also have a say in the "to leak or not to leak" debate? As you take each graceful stride, your hips naturally move, causing a slight shift in your pelvic floor muscles. This shift can create temporary openings for unwanted leaks. So, while you're strutting your stuff, remember that your hips may be silently plotting to keep you on your toes (or rather, on the lookout for the nearest restroom)! Make sure not to ignore them when strengthening your pelvic floor. Strong hips are a great ally in the exercise realm.


Nature's Pranksters: Sneezes and Laughter

Nature has a funny way of reminding us that we're not always in control. It's like a cosmic prankster just waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Sneezing and laughter, two natural and enjoyable experiences, can turn into hilarious bladder challenges in the blink of an eye. The sudden force of a sneeze or a fit of uncontrollable laughter can catch your bladder off guard, leading to spur-of-the-moment leaks. Best way to fight this is exercising your pelvic floor outside of your exercise routine and to know how to complete a contraction before the sneeze happens. Sounds impossible, but lady, you can absolutely learn how. 


Walking—something we do every day without giving it much thought—can sometimes lead to unexpected leaks for women. I want you to remember coordination and strong pelvic floor muscles can stop this from happening. Get down to business in learning how to make your pelvic floor the strong and intimidating force it wants to be.


Stay pelvic-strong!


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