Urine Luck


New Year, New Laughs, and a Strong Pelvic Floor

pelvic floor strategies pelvic floor strength Jan 01, 2024
New Year, New Laughs, and a Strong Pelvic Floor

The New Year is here, and it's the perfect time to add a bit of humor and a lot of commitment to your resolutions. Let's kick off January with a smile and make some lighthearted yet impactful changes to our daily routines. We're talking about your pelvic floor health, and no, we won't be practicing stand-up comedy, but we will be ditching the "just in case" pees, avoiding the hover, and saying no to pushing when we pee. Plus, we've got a fun 10-minute daily pelvic floor workout on the agenda – because who said pelvic health can't be a bit funny?


"Just in Case" Peeing – The Unnecessary Drama

We've all been there, right? That urge to pee "just in case" you might need to go later. Well, this year, let's put an end to this over-the-top bathroom drama. Instead, wait until you're genuinely ready to go. Trust us; your pelvic floor will thank you for not putting on a performance every time you pass a restroom.


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Hovering – The Toilet Tango

The classic bathroom hover, often done to avoid sitting on a public toilet seat. But let's be honest, the toilet seat isn't your mortal enemy! In fact, it's your pelvic floor's best friend. So, this year, let's ditch the toilet tango and sit down. If you're concerned about cleanliness, bring some disinfectant wipes with you – no dance moves required!


Pushing – The Unnecessary Pressure

Did you know that some of us unconsciously push or strain when peeing? It's like we're in a race with our own bladders! Let's put an end to this unnecessary pressure and take a more relaxed approach. It's not a sprint; it's a leisurely stroll to the finish line. Your pelvic floor will appreciate the chill vibes.


10 Minutes of Pelvic Floor Fun

Who says pelvic floor exercises have to be boring? This year, we're making them fun. Dedicate just 10 minutes a day to your pelvic floor, and you might even find your own rhythm. You can do Kegels, or get creative with your own moves – it's your very own pelvic dance party!


As you step into the New Year, don't forget to add some humor to your resolutions, especially when it comes to your pelvic floor health. These lighthearted changes – from ditching "just in case" peeing to abandoning the hover and saying no to pushing – can make a world of difference. And don't forget your daily 10-minute pelvic floor workout – it's the fun and funky way to build strength and resilience.


So, let's start 2024 with laughter, lightheartedness, and a commitment to pelvic floor health. Who knew pelvic exercises could be this entertaining?


Here's to a year filled with smiles, strength, and a pelvic floor that's ready to tackle anything!


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