Urine Luck


The Unsung Superhero: Your Pelvic Floor - Saving the Day, One Squat at a Time!

pelvic floor women's health & wellness Aug 22, 2023
The Unsung Superhero: Your Pelvic Floor - Saving the Day, One Squat at a Time!

Hi there! Today, we are going to uncover the secret powers of the unsung superhero hiding right under your belt - your pelvic floor! Get ready to have your mind-blown by the ways your pelvic floor saves the day in your day-to-day life. Understanding these concepts could be the different between leaking urine or not leaking urine. Don't worry, I promise not to crack any inappropriate jokes... okay, maybe just a few!


Chapter 1: The Mighty Fortress

Picture this: Your pelvic floor is like a fortress that guards your nether regions from sneaky invaders. It’s unsung hero protecting you from unwanted leaks, like a loyal sidekick with an unflinching dedication to bladder control. Whether you’re laughing, sneezing, or holding in a particularly epic fart, your pelvic floor has your back (or she should, although it is common to leak urine it is not normal) or should we say, your front!


Chapter 2: The Levitation Sensation

Ever wonder how superheroes seem to defy gravity effortlessly? Maybe not but amuse me. Well, your pelvic floor has a secret power - levitation! Think of it as an invisible force field that keeps your internal organs happily floating in the right places. No matter how much you jump, dance, or bust a move on the dance floor, your pelvic floor should ensure everything stays put. So, when you're breakdancing like a pro or getting out of bed, remember to thank your pelvic floor for keeping your organs from doing the Macarena! If your pelvic floor’s levitation skills are lacking, let’s chat! I can help you get those muscles back to their levitational powers!


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Chapter 3: The Pleasure Guardian

Ah, yes, we can't forget about the spicy side of your pelvic floor's superpowers. During moments of intimacy, your pelvic floor steps up to the plate like a seductive superhero, enhancing pleasure and making fireworks fly! It's like having a secret weapon for mind-blowing encounters, all thanks to the fine-tuned control, range of motion, coordination, and strength of those pelvic muscles. Who knew your pelvic floor could be the ultimate wingwoman (or wingman)?


Chapter 4: The Stealth Mode

Ever been in a meeting or a yoga class when suddenly, out of nowhere, you feel a sudden urge to pee? Isn’t urgency, great? Fear not, for your pelvic floor possesses the power of stealth! It can discreetly halt the flow of nature's call until you find a suitable bathroom. It's like a hidden mute button for your bladder, allowing you to maintain composure while secretly battling a formidable urge to unleash the golden stream. Talk about ninja-level bladder control! If you have one of those stubborn bossy bladders that has forgotten this superpower, no worries. We can train her while filling those super powers back to normal.


Chapter 5: The Squat Squad

As with any superhero, training is essential, and your pelvic floor is no exception. Enter the Squat Squad! Regular squats are the ultimate workout to keep your pelvic floor in tip-top shape also, the most functional exercise we can do.  Picture yourself as a squatting superhero, powering up your pelvic floor with every rep. So, the next time you're squatting in the gym or to sit on the toilet, know that you're not just building killer glutes, but also giving your pelvic floor a round of applause!


Congratulations, dear readers! You've unlocked the hidden superpowers of how your pelvic floor should posses, the ultimate unsung superhero in your life. From bladder control to pleasure enhancement, levitation to stealthy maneuvers, your pelvic floor has been silently saving the day, one kegel at a time! So, let's give a big round of applause to this incredible ally, and remember to keep those pelvic muscles strong and mighty.

Until next time, may your pelvic floor be your superpower and your laughter be uncontrollable (without any leaks, of course)!


Stay pelvic-strong and keep spreading laughter across the universe!


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