Urine Luck


Welcome to The Blog: Urine Luck

Jul 21, 2023

Welcome, fellow bladder enthusiasts and pelvic floor aficionados, to the wondrous realm of Urine Luck. The one-stop destination for all things related to building a strong army of advocates for our bodies and revolutionizing our bladder habits.

Now, you might be wondering, "Why on Earth would someone be so passionate about bladders and pelvic floors?" Well, my friends, let me assure you that this journey is not just about leaking out information but about tapping into the hidden powers within us. I am here to give your pelvic floors the recognition it deserves—those unsung heroes that hold us up and keep us in check! AND I suffered with pelvic floor dysfunction for many many years. So I get it!

Think about it: our bodies are like intricate machines with fascinating features, and the bladder is no exception. It's an incredible organ that holds the key to our comfort and social decorum. After all, who wants to experience that mortifying moment when a sneeze or a good belly laugh turns into an impromptu waterfall? Not us, my friends!

But fear not, for I am not here to lecture you on the dire consequences of weak pelvic floors. No, no! I am here to sprinkle some humor, witty insights, and a lot of truth serum into our quest to be the strongest advocates of our bodies. So, fasten your seatbelts, because we're about to embark on a journey filled with laughter, learning, and a sprinkle of potty humor. Trust me; it's all perfectly normal!

Picture this: a world where we are not embarrassed to discuss the little-known wonders of our urinary system, where we can make bladder jokes that tickle our funny bones instead of leaving us red-faced. Together, we shall uncover the secrets of pelvic floor exercises, learn about bladder habits that could make the ancient Greek gods jealous, and become pioneers in the art of mastering the delicate dance of "holding it in" like true champions.

So, my fellow advocates of all things bladder-related, let's embrace the hilarity and the importance of this cause. Let's strengthen our knowledge, improve our pelvic floors’ function, and spread the joy of healthy bladder habits to the world. Remember, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And when life gives you a bladder, well, let's just say we're here to ensure you're always in control of that flow!

Welcome to Urine Luck Let the journey begin, and may the forces of good bladder habits be with you!


3 Best Kept Secrets to Stop Urine Leakage

Learn the 3 foundational concepts to reclaim control over your bossy bladder.

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